AGA Predicts “Important Victories” Following Election

AGA President and Chief Executive Officer Geoff Freeman (l.) said the gaming industry is "well positioned to thrive" as it works with the Trump administration and new Congress. Freeman predicted a Trump administration" will feature more restrained federal agencies than what our industry experienced over the last eight years.”

Following the election of Donald Trump as president, the American Gaming Association will “proactively engaging with the new administration and incoming members of Congress,” said AGA President and Chief Executive Officer Geoff Freeman. “With the dawning of a new era in Congress, the gaming industry’s Congressional champion development efforts have never been more important. The gaming industry is well positioned to thrive in this new environment and the AGA eager to work with the Trump Administration and new Congress,” Freeman said. He predicted the coming years will bring “important victories for the gaming industry.”

The AGA has put forward a 5-point plan for working with the new administration. It includes: 1) Advocating pro-business policies promoting growth and reinvestment; 2) Supporting economic policies providing consumers with confidence and discretionary income; 3) Encouraging a welcoming environment for foreign visitors; 4) Cultivating relationships with and educating new members of Congress on gaming’s positive economic and community impacts; and 5) Advancing a pro-gaming agenda, including repealing the failed federal ban on sports betting outside Nevada.

Freeman stated, “The AGA will leverage our industry’s 40-state presence to coalesce a powerful network of Congressional leaders willing to promote favorable public policies and block overzealous federal efforts that add unnecessary costs and inefficiencies to our business. The challenges before us remain great but we are optimistic a Trump Administration will feature more restrained federal agencies than what our industry experienced over the last eight years.”