AGA Targets Federal Gaming Tax Bill

The American Gaming Association is fighting to eliminate a provision in a federal tax overhaul bill authored by Kansas Senator Jerry Moran (l.) that would subject casino operators to a 2 percent federal gaming tax.

The American Gaming Association is lobbying to eliminate a “misguided” provision in a recently introduced tax overhaul bill that would subject gaming companies to a 23 percent federal gaming tax, an executive with the trade group said last week.

The suggested tax rate for companies offering games of chance is buried deep within 132-page bills introduced January 3 in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that would repeal the federal income tax, and abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

The bill would also create a national sales tax that would be administered primarily by the states.

Senator Jerry Moran, a Republican from Kansas, authored Senate Bill 18 that would impose a federal tax on state-regulated gaming operations for the first time.