Alipay to Shut Down Gaming Accounts, a third-party online payment platform operating in China, will permanently disable any customer account repeatedly involved in gambling, the provider has announced.

Alipay, a Chinese online payment provider, will close any account repeatedly involved in gambling transactions, according to the company website. The ban is part of Alipay’s “latest effort to crack down on illegal activities including gambling,” reported the Asia Gaming Brief. It is also in line with the Chinese government’s intractable anti-gambling stance.

According to the company, which is used by some 400 million customers, users caught trying to process a gambling transaction will be banned from sending messages and participating in social groups. Thereafter, they will have all financial transactions suspended for 30 days. A third attempt will result in the permanent closure of their accounts.

Furthermore, Alipay will inform law enforcement about any gaming-related transactions involving more than CNY 10,000 (US$1,540) or 50 people, AGB reported. More than 1,000 accounts have been identified so far.