The All-In Diversity Project, an industry-led, not-for-profit initiative based in London that seeks to benchmark diversity, equality and inclusion across the global betting and gaming industry, has just released its third report on the sector’s workforce.
Traditionally an annual survey, this year’s report covers the extended period 2020/21 to allow for the impact of the pandemic.
The latest findings continue to showcase the gambling sector as an effective barometer of emerging global trends, technology and changes in society and their impact on the workplace. Key trends reflected in the latest All-Index include: Gen Z, “the Great Resignation” and the Menopause, and their short to long-term impact on the workplace.
This year’s All-Index report recorded the widest gap between males and females in the industry, with the number of males (56 percent) exceeding the number of females (43 percent) for the first time in five years—the biggest gap exists at entry level, which is a real cause for concern when looking at long-term prospects for role models, mentors and talent pools.
For the first time, the number of individuals identifying as non-binary is significant enough to register a measurable value. At leadership level, females make up 29 percent of executive roles and 32 percent of non-executive roles. If the All-Index is a benchmark for the industry, then it is closer than ever before to hitting 30 percent female representation at executive board level, and in the case of non-executive roles, has surpassed it.
The latest report highlights the impact of the following:
- The number of organizations offering company-paid sick leave has dropped from 95.83 percent (2019) to 84.38 percent, while the number of organizations with a policy on flexible working has increased from 75 percent (2019) to 84.38 percent.
- Other significant shifts reflect changing views and attitudes in society, with maternity leave now starting to be replaced with the more generic “parental leave”—including same sex couples.
- There has also been a noticeable shift from passive policy to active awareness and practice. While the number of organizations with equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policies has dropped, the number providing practical training and guidance in these areas has gone up, together with an increased focus on addressing harassment/bullying, challenging behavior/language, and cultural stereotyping.
This year’s report also highlights some of the practical initiatives and programs implemented by the leading organizations for those looking for new ideas and inspiration to help support their own diversity and inclusion goals.
The full report is at allindiversityproject.com/all-index.