Atlanta Group Commissions Casino Study

The downtown promotion group Central Atlanta Progress Inc. has set a deadline of December 10 for applications to complete a study regarding the impact of gambling in Atlanta. The study is to be completed by March 15. Meanwhile lawmakers are considering a measure to allow six Georgia casinos, including two in Atlanta, one possibly at Turner Field (l.), the former Olympic stadium and recent home to the Atlanta Braves.

Central Atlanta Progress Inc., an influential downtown organization, has issued a Request for Proposal for a consultant to research and analyze the effects of gambling, in light of casino operators’ interest in a casino in downtown Atlanta, including MGM Resorts International’s proposed billion destination casino.

According the RFP, the study “is intended to educate the business community and policy makers and inform policy decision as to what it would take to realize such a gaming attraction and what the ultimate impacts, both positive and negative might be.” Applications will be due by December 10 and the study is to be completed by March 15.

House and Senate legislative committees currently are reviewing the issue and expected to make recommendations next month. One proposal calls for up to six casino resort licenses permitted Columbus, Macon, Savannah, South Georgia and Atlanta, which would have two. Developers would be required to make a minimum investment of $1 billion for the primary Atlanta license and $200 million for each of the others.