The Atlantic City Alliance—Atlantic City’s casino-funded marketing arm—has joined with the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority—also funded by casino taxes—to launch a million marketing campaign to promote new nonstop air service from Chicago and Houston through United Airlines.
In Chicago, the alliance is purchasing platform dioramas at Union Station and Ogilvie Station in downtown as well as outdoor advertising along I-294 south of Foster beginning this month. During the same period, the ACA and CRDA will begin leveraging 11-week radio buys at prominent Chicago radio stations: WTMX-FM, WDRV-FM and WVAZ-FM, the agencies said in a press release.
The alliance also hosted special events for Chicago-based media and meeting planners to showcase Atlantic City. The events were attended by Atlantic City officials and included live entertainment from city casinos.
In Houston, the advertising buy will include 11-week radio buys at KODA-FM and KKBQ-FM and 20 weeks of outdoor advertising at North Belt and Hwy 59 SW. Additionally, the alliance is sponsoring a series of FAM tours for Houston area media to visit Atlantic City and experience the resort’s attractions.
The ACA and CRDA are also promoting the destination among United passengers traveling to other markets via buys in the airlines in-flight publication Hemispheres and through a three-minute in-flight video, the release said.
Additional display, search, social and digital buys will be made with outlets such as TripAdvisor, Expedia, Kayak, Priceline, Google, Bing and Facebook, the release said.