Black Isn’t Black

Oscar Goodman is on a mission to slam both the content and philosophy behind the Black Book, a list of persons banned from Nevada casino premises, as determined by authorities and the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Goodman vehemently opposes the book, and spoke about it recently at his restaurant in downtown Las Vegas.

While many people dream to some day have a book written about them, one book you don’t want to be featured in is the infamous Black Book, which contains a list of “undesirables” the Nevada Gaming Control Board bans from casinos. Former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman not only is opposed to it, he finds it unconstitutional.

Last week Goodman spoke about the book during the fifth installment of his regular dinner series at Oscar’s Beef, Booze and Broads at the Plaza, in downtown Las Vegas. The statute enacted allows for authorities to simply place a person’s name on a list, which prohibits them from entering any part of a casino.

 “They can’t go to a boxing match, they can’t use a restroom facility at these hotel-casinos. It’s totally unconstitutional,” Goodman said.