Payment technology supplier Casino Cash Trac broke ground last week on a new office facility adjacent to the company’s current headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The new building will be close 7,000 square feet and will offer new office space. The new facility is in line with the company’s growth in multiple states, where it supplies many tribal casinos with transactional and analytical tools to track the money into and out of casinos. The company has doubled in size over the past three years.
“Four years ago, when we moved into our current building, we never dreamed that we would be able to fill the space that we had,” Danny Roe, chief operating officer for CCT, told KJRH 2News Oklahoma. “In two years we had to go through remodeling to be able to fit more space in, and then two years later, we’ve got to build a new building.
“Being in Tulsa, being in Oklahoma was a perfect ecosystem for us with the casinos that we have in Oklahoma, with the help of the tribes and the interconnectivity of the tribes and those tribal casinos, word spread, and so for us then to find that to be our backyard and to make our business growth through them has expanded (our business) across state borders.”