When the female head of the UK Gambling Commission publicly derided some of the outfits worn both stand staff at last year’s ICE trade show in London changes had to be made. And Clarion Gaming, the owners of ICE, announced those changes last week.
Clarion Gaming Managing Director Kate Chambers drove the changes and said that it would be a different ICE in 2019.
“The 2018 edition of ICE London was the most successful on record but it was also the edition that generated the most coverage in consumer media and not for all of the right reasons,” she said.
“The ICE brand does not and will not hide from difficult situations and before the 2018 edition closed we began the process of consultation with our stakeholders using the 920-strong Ampersand Group which is the biggest think-tank-meets-focus-group in gaming. From Ampersand we created a Diversity Working Group comprising 80 gaming professionals: this group has been consulted with and contributed to our Code of Conduct.”
The new additions to the code include: “Partial or total nudity or overtly sexual or suggestive clothing or marketing methods will not be allowed.”
If that clause is violated, Clarion reserved the right to “alter” the stand or remove the exhibitor.
To view the additions to the ICE code, visit https://www.icelondon.uk.com/clarion-gaming-code-of-conduct.