Coalition Forms to Fight Idaho ‘Historical Horse Racing’

A group has formed to fight a “historical horse racing” initiate that would allow the machines at racetrack in Idaho. The opponents “United Against Prop. 1” claim supporters promise to benefit education in the measure that is on the November ballot. They call that claim “disingenuous at best.”

A coalition has formed to fight the “historical horse racing” initiative that recently qualified for the Idaho ballot in November. The group is called United Against Prop. 1.

It plans to release TV and radio ads and has formed a PAC to it can fundraise and spend on the campaign.

A former Idaho representative Ken Andrus spoke at the press conference announcing the formation of the group. “Proposition 1 is about slot machines, not horses, and any attempt by proponents to suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best,” he said. “We need to protect our communities.”

Andrus claims supporters of Prop. 1 have misled the voters in their claims that it will benefit the schools. He said schools will only get 0.5 percent of the revenues from the betting terminals. Ninety percent will go out in winnings.

“The public will weigh in on the issue this November, but they need to know now they’re being deceived,” said Andrus. “We’re going to do everything we can to make sure every voter knows the consequences, should this pass.”

The committee includes several prominent Idaho politicians including Senate President Pro Tem Brent Hill and former candidate for governor A.J. Balukoff.

Racetracks have been fighting for years to be allowed to deploy such terminals, claiming they are needed for the industry to stay alive. In 2013 lawmakers passed legislation allowing the machines, only to repeal it two years later under pressure from the state’s gaming tribes.

Todd Dvorak of Save Idaho Horse Racing made that connection when he declared, “This coalition is funded by Coeur d’Alene tribal casino money and, we suspect, out-of-state national casino interests in Nevada.” He added, “The money behind Prop 1 opposition tells you all you need to know about the hypocrisy of their effort: casinos are spending money to tell Idahoans that gaming is bad solely to protect their own monopoly, at the expense of Idaho horse racing.”

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