The South Dakota legislature approved a proposed constitutional amendment on the November ballot to allow craps, roulette and keno in Deadwood. Those games also would become legal at the state’s tribal casinos if voters approve the additional games for Deadwood. The Deadwood bet limit has been raised twice, and now stands at ,000.
But the Senate killed a bill to offer round-the-clock alcohol sales in Deadwood casinos. The House defeated two bills supported by the Governor Dennis Daugaard and the South Dakota Lottery Commission: One measure would have increased the video lottery bet limit to $5 per play, and the other would have allowed video lottery establishments to have up to 15 terminals, provided that numbers 11 through 15 used new technology. As a result, a video lottery bet remains capped at $2 and only 10 machines are allowed per establishment.
Also in South Dakota, Circuit Court Judge Mark Barnett recently sided with the state and ruled that any awards given out in free promotional games must be included in a casino’s profits. Taxes are based on that gross adjusted revenue. First Gold, Mineral Palace and Four Acres had sued the Department of Revenue, claiming promotional games should not be taxed. They said the games are not sold and therefore have no value.