DraftKings Not Planning UK Sportsbook

Daily fantasy sports site DraftKing’s recent acquisition of a UK gaming license has led to speculation that the site might open a true sportsbook in the UK. DraftKings CEO says that isn’t going to happen.

While daily fantasy site DraftKings Inc. has announced a wide range of offerings through its first overseas site in the UK, it has also said it will not offer a true sportsbook.

“Absolutely not,” Chief Executive Officer Jason Robins told Bloomberg News. “We know what we do, and that’s daily fantasy.”

DraftKings is opening a London office and expects to be begin offering games by the end of the year.

Robins said the company hopes to expand to other European countries, Asia and Latin America and also plans to expand action on soccer, cricket and possibly other sports such as tennis.

“Like it is in the U.S., this is a race, and now that race is global,” Robins said.

DraftKings received a “pool betting” gaming license from the UK Gambling Commission. Robins said he didn’t know all that the license allowed DraftKings to do because the company had no plans to change its business model.

“I haven’t really looked into that, and the reason is, we don’t have any intent to stray outside of what we do,” Robins told Bloomberg.

In another matter, DraftKings has entered into a partnership with Jason Somerville, a poker pro known for his live streaming of events he is in. Somerville has already live streamed himself play daily fantasy on UFC fights.