The National Gaming Authority of France announced it now can block all illegal gambling websites, whether or not they target French consumers. In a statement, ANJ officials said the change in the law is “a major step forward in the fight against the illegal offer of gambling in France, which the ANJ has made a priority project for 2022.”
The new law, written for the purpose of “democratizing sport in France,” replaces the current procedure for blocking illegal gambling sites with an administrative process. As a result, the ANJ no longer has to prove such sites advertised to French consumers. The new process “will allow the ANJ to prevent, more quickly and more effectively, access to sites which present very high risks in terms of addiction, reliability of gambling and money laundering operations.”
Under the new law, the ANJ president may now order internet service providers to block access to sites providing “an illegal offer of gambling,” if such sites do not respond to a “formal notice to cease this activity” within five days.
The statement said the new law supports “the new cooperation strategy” among search engines, social networks, content exchange platforms and payment solution providers that holds them accountable and decreases illegal offers.”
The new law also requires the ANJ to “centralize and analyze” reports of suspicious betting activity.