Gamblit Launches Skill Games in California

Gamblit Gaming has launched the first skill-based slot machines in the California market, with placement of its video game gambling machines at Harrah’s Resort.

Harrah’s Resort Southern California announced it will be the first casino in California to offer skill games and gaming tables from Gamblit Gaming, a leading producer of real-money and skill-based games for land-based casinos.

Harrah’s has launched its first two Gamblit games, Gamblit Poker and Cannonbeard’s Treasure, and the operator says it will add more Gamblit Games as they are approved. The games are part of Gambit’s series of Video Game Gambling Machines, or VGMs, introduced to the industry last fall at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City.

“Gamblit’s games and tables are evolutionary steps in the right direction for the modern gaming industry, and we are honored to be the first casino in California to offer the experience,” said Harrah’s Resort Southern California Senior Vice President and General Manager Darrell Pilant.

“The installation of Gamblit’s products will allow us to engage with guests seeking a more interactive gaming experience. Gamblit’s games and tables combine elements of the traditional gaming experience with elements of modern video gaming, and we’re excited to be bringing this type of universally enjoyable gaming experience to Harrah’s Resort Southern California.”

Gamblit Poker is an electronic table game set up for four players to play heads-up hold-em poker. Players build hands by grabbing cards from the center of the table, and can up the ante by stealing cards from opponents in order to prevent them from completing their hands.

Cannonbeard’s Treasure is a modern take on blackjack, pitting players and their pirate ships against one another. The game is focused on the community cards in the center of the table which allow players to build their hands and reach their objectives, with the first player to reach their goal winning the pot of gold.

Gamblit Poker and Cannonbeard’s Treasure will be offered on Gamblit’s interactive Model G gaming table that can host two to four players for a competitive gaming experience. Each gaming table offers a unique, multi-player/multi-game machine with access to a shared 42-inch touch screen, plus a USB charging port, purse hook and two cup holders for each player.