GGB Names New Sales & Marketing Director

John Buyachek has been named sales and marketing director for Global Gaming Business Magazine. The former marketing VP for Cantor Gaming replaces David Coheen, who is retiring.

Global Gaming Business Magazine (GGB) announced last week that John Buyachek has joined the company as director of sales and marketing. Buyachek replaces David Coheen, who is retiring after 13 years with GGB.

Buyachek has a long history in gaming. Since 2000, he has held vice president of marketing positions with several companies, including Barrick Gaming in Downtown Las Vegas, Cantor Gaming (Now CG Technology) and 777 Gaming. In addition to marketing, his expertise includes operations, player development and business expansion.

His duties at GGB include advertising sales, customer development and marketing company products and services.

“We are pleased to have John Buyachek join GGB,” said GGB Publisher Roger Gros. “With experience on both the vendor and operations side of the gaming industry, John knows many players in the industry and also will be able to understand how to achieve the goals set by our clients. He will be a great asset to GGB.”

Buyachek says he’s excited to join GGB.

“I’m pleased to have the opportunity to join a dynamic company like GGB,” he said. “In the rapidly changing gaming industry, GGB is the leader in keeping executives informed of the latest trends in the most cutting-edge manner. I can’t wait to spread that message.”

Coheen leaves after helping to establish GGB as the premier trade magazine in the gaming industry.

“David played a key role in the success of GGB,” says Gros. “He developed relationships with our clients that endure and we’re grateful for his integrity and loyalty over the years. We wish him will in retirement, but know that David will always be a part of the GGB family.”