Leading gaming testing company Gaming Laboratories International has announced the release of its newest white paper, “iGaming Information Security Management: Is Your Business Adequately Protected?”
According to the company, the white paper highlights GLI’s ability to…
“1. Discuss your concerns about network infrastructure security;
“2. Advise about data loss from players or your company;
“3. Assist you to ensure security when working with third parties;
“4. Provide effective personalized planning to maximize system uptime; and,
“5. Work closely with you for continued compliance and ongoing risk mitigation.”
“The growing expansion of iGaming has created an increasing depth of internal knowledge,” said Martin Britton, managing director of GLI Europe and Africa. “We can use this knowledge bank to assist suppliers and operators and discuss and advise about security measures to ensure systems and information are protected not just for today but for tomorrow.
“The first step is (to understand) the security risks, determine the requirements, discuss system architecture and build a plan specifically around these. This can be a combination of audits, assessments and consultancy. We want our clients to be confident that security breaches can be minimized by having effective and logical controls in place. This is why the GLI iGaming team, headed by our VP of iGaming Salim Adatia, has spearheaded this important white paper.”
In addition to the white paper, GLI has also launched an iGaming webpage with additional information about the company’s unique iGaming services. It can be found at gaminglabs.com/services/igaming. The new iGaming white paper can be downloaded from this webpage, as well.