Aron Ezra joined the gaming industry when Bally Technologies purchased his company, MacroView Labs, which developed apps for a wide variety of companies, just some of them gaming. He became vice president for Bally’s and concentrated on many cutting edge technologies developed by the company. But three years ago, he left Bally’s to launch another startup, OfferCraft, which “gamifies” communications with customers. The company has many relationships with casino companies, and has crossed over into retail, restaurants and other mainstream businesses. He spoke with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the GGB offices in Las Vegas in April.
GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS PODCAST: Aron Ezra, President and CEO, OfferCraft
This week the GGB Podcast features a discussion with Aron Ezra, the president and CEO of OfferCraft on how his company develops unique methods to mine your existing database and find new customers through gamification.