One of the side effects of Covid-19 is a rush toward contactless payments throughout society to avoid handling currency. But with casinos still lagging behind in the area of cashless transactions, Mike Rumbolz says the time is right to begin the transformation. Everi has developed a series of technological advances, starting with QuikTicket, which allows a guest to buy a ticket at an Everi kiosk that can be used throughout the casino to a complete eWallet system that transfers funds from the players account to wherever he plays or buys by a simple wave of a mobile device. But Rumbolz points out that the transparency of cashless payments will have additional benefits as well, such has helping those afflicted with problem gambling. Rumbolz spoke with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the Everi offices in Las Vegas in June.
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GLOBAL GAMING BUSINESS PODCAST: Mike Rumbolz, President & CEO, Everi
This week the GGB Podcast features an interview with Mike Rumbolz, the president and CEO of Everi, on how the industry has an opportunity to transition to cashless payments now that contactless transactions are widely preferred.