Esports wagering is in its infancy, but Rahul Sood got on board early. His Unikrn company is the undisputed king of esports betting, with major investors like billionaire Mark Cuban, star of CNBC’s Shark Tank and owner of the NBA Dallas Mavericks. Esports is a burgeoning opportunity for the casino industry, but how likely is it that casinos will be able to participate. Sood discusses how Unikrn operates, using many different titles and player skills. He talks about how the company handles its bets, why cryptocurrency is part of the Unikrn strategy, and how it could work in conjunction with the casinos. Sood is one of the speakers on the esports panel on October 25 at the UNLV Gaming & Hospitality Education Series. To register for in-person attendance or for the webinar, visit UNLVGHES.com. Sood spoke with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the Unikrn offices in Las Vegas in October.