GTECH Extends West Virginia Deal

GTECH has signed a two-year extension on its deal with the West Virginia Lottery to maintain existing systems and terminals and deliver new self-service products.

Lottery and casino supplier GTECH S.p.A. announced it has extended its agreement with the West Virginia Lottery for a two-year period commencing June 28. During the renewal period, GTECH will deliver additional self-service products and continue the operation and maintenance of the lottery’s existing systems and terminals. The supplier expects to receive revenues of approximately million during the renewal period. GTECH has been the lottery technology and services provider in West Virginia since 2009. 

“Over the past five years, we have established a strong working relationship and foundation with the West Virginia Lottery,” said GTECH Americas President and CEO Jaymin B. Patel. “As we enter into this extension, we are committed to build upon that foundation and assist the lottery in increasing its sales and returns to the state to aid education, senior citizens, and tourism.”

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