IAGR Names 2014/2015 Officers/Trustees

More than 200 attendees met at the recent annual conference of the International Association of Gaming Regulators, held October 27-29 in Philadelphia. Birgitte Sand (l.), director of the Danish Gambling Authority, was named president and Bheki Mlambo, chief executive officer of the Mpumalanga Gambling Board of South Africa was named vice president.

The International Association of Gaming Regulators held its annual conference October 27-29 in Philadelphia. More than 200 people from 32 countries attended. 

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter opened the conference and the keynote address was delivered by Kevin Slavin of the MIT Media Lab.

Also at the conference, the IAGR’s 2014-2015 officers/trustees were announced. Birgitte Sand, director of the Danish Gambling Authority, was inducted as president and Bheki Mlambo, chief executive officer of the Mpumalanga Gambling Board of South Africa was inducted as vice president. Treasurer A.G. Burnett, chairman of the Nevada State Gaming Control Board, and Secretary Trude Felde, senior advisor of the Norwegian Gambling and Foundation Authority, will retain their offices for the next two years.

 In addition, four new trustees were elected to the board: Håkan Hallstedt, director general, Swedish Gambling Authority; Jerry See, chief executive, Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore; Fortune Sekgaphane, chief executive officer, North West Gambling Board of South Africa; and Nick Tofiluk, director of regulatory operations, United Kingdom Gambling Commission. Current trustees are: Blair Cairncross, executive director, New Zealand Gambling Commission; Dale Fuga, chief operating officer, Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba; Susan Hensel, director of licensing, Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board; David Rebuck, director, New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement; and Michael Sarquis, executive director, Queensland, Australia Office of Liquor and Gaming

IAGR, established in the 1980s, works to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of gaming regulation throughout the world. It also provides a forum for gaming regulators from around the globe to meet, exchange views and information and discuss policy issues. The organization also is a central point of contact for inquiries from governments, gaming regulatory agencies and personnel and representatives of the international gaming industry.

The next annual IAGR conference will be held in Lima, Peru  in October 2015.