Indian Commission Names Vice Chairman

Taos Pueblo member Kathryn Isom-Clause last week was elected Vice Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission.

Kathryn Isom-Clause of Taos Pueblo has been elected Vice Chairman of the three-member National Indian Gaming Commission.

The Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell appointed Isom-Clause to the commission more than a year ago.

Isom-Clause issued a statement that said, in part, “I am deeply honored and humbled to take on the additional responsibilities as Vice Chair of the National Indian Gaming Commission. As the Commission moves forward as a collaborative team, I am conscious of the significant and vital work that must be accomplished. I will continue to ensure that the Commission remains adherent not only to the sound implementation of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, but I also commit to maintaining and building strong relationships with tribes and tribal regulators.”

The commission oversees the regulation of more than 450 casinos operated by 242 tribes in 28 states.