Interpol Probe Leads Spanish Police to Arrest 53 Over Illegal Gambling

Interpol and Spanish police have arrested 53 alleged members of an illegal gambling network. The participants are alleged to have had access to sports results ahead of other bettors—and to have raked in millions.

Interpol Probe Leads Spanish Police to Arrest 53 Over Illegal Gambling

The Spanish National Police Force, armed with the results of an Interpol probe, arrested 53 participants in an illegal gambling network, Gambling News reported March 5. They face charges for fraud and money laundering.

The 53 arrested in Madrid and Guadalajara —allegedly “betting mules”— might have participated in an international fraud scheme that encompassed compromised sports events in 20 countries.

Besides Interpol and Europol, the Spanish Tax Agency was involved in the probe of a caper where participants used predetermined outcomes of sporting events in Bolivia, Romania, Ukraine and Russia, among others. They intercepted satellite signals with highly sophisticated technology so that bettors had actual data before anyone else.

The ”betting mules” sold their personal data and wagering accounts to the network, enabling the network to rake in an estimated €2 million. Then the money was laundered, reported Gambling News.

This network allegedly involved about 1,500 betting accounts.

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