IR an Issue in Hokkaido Election

Candidates for governor of Hokkaido, Japan are divided over a possible integrated resort bid on the island. The opposition candidate is against an IR; outgoing Governor Harumi Takahashi (l.) has declared herself in favor.

IR an Issue in Hokkaido Election

Ishikawa concerned about problem gambling

Among the leading issues debated by candidates in Hokkaido’s gubernatorial race is a possible integrated resort bid, which could bring billions in investment and thousands of new jobs to the region. According to Asia Gaming Brief, Japan Communist Party Secretary-General Akira Koike “in a rare move” personally gave his party’s recommendation to opposition candidate Tomohiro Ishikawa, who was nominated by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.

Ishikawa told an audience of Communist Party members, “We aim for a prefectural administration that faces toward the people rather than staying dependent on the central government. We will create facilities for the futures of our children, rather than casinos.”

Meanwhile, outgoing Governor Harumi Takahashi—noncommittal about the benefits of an IR until now—came out in support of such a project at the Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly on February 20. “Provided that thorough measures are adopted to address the matters of concern, it is important to promote the IR bid effort,” she said.

Conservative candidate Naomichi Suzuki, mayor of Yubari, has stayed on the fence, reported AGB, citing positive outcomes (more tourism) and negative ones (a possible increase in gambling addiction). He promised only to keep an open mind and then decide based on “the citizen’s perspective.”

Ishikawa, meantime, is opposed to an IR bid, stating, “The issue of problem gambling has not been resolved.”

Several locations have indicated their willingness to host an IR in Hokkaido, including Tomakomai City, Rustusu in Shiribeshi and Kushiro City. Voters will go to the polls on April 7.

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