Irish Bookmakers Support New Gambling Act

The Irish Bookmakers Association is supporting a plan for the country to introduce a new Gambling Control Bill overseen by an independent regulator in its latest group report. The association said an independent regulator will ensure enforcement and contributions for all gambling operators. Irish Minister of State David Stanton (l.) is the main sponsor of the bill.

Irish Bookmakers Support New Gambling Act

The Irish Bookmakers Association is supporting a plan for the country to introduce a new Gambling Control Bill that includes creation of an independent regulator in its latest group report.

“We are hopeful that this will be the final step towards completion and enactment of a Gambling Control bill and independent regulator,” said Sharon Byrne, chairwoman of the IBA ion a press release. “Our members have already introduced many of the advertising standards, customer monitoring and customer protection measures recommended by regulators in other countries. We have also funded a national problem gambling helpline and counseling network across Ireland for over eight years.

“However, an independent regulator and gambling control bill, will ensure enforcement and contributions for all gambling operators, not just betting shops, which will lead to better consumer protections and support for those who may be vulnerable to addiction,” she said. “We hope the way is now clear for the Department to draft the Heads of a new bill and introduce a regulator as soon as possible.”

The Irish Dáil—or Assembly—recently confirmed that it plans to form a new gambling regulatory authority, which will monitor and regulate all components of Irish online and retail gambling/betting. The authority will act as an independent body reporting to Ireland’s Department of Justice.

A new Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill has been proposed setting up the independent authority to maintain national licensing procedures and to further develop comprehensive regulatory measures on consumer protections, advertising standards and industry safeguards.

The authority will also monitor age restrictions, staff training, player self-exclusion and controls on advertising and marketing promotions.

“A modern and effectively regulated gambling environment will ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that gambling will be a safe, fair and entertaining activity for the majority of those who choose to take part in it,” Irish Minister of State David Stanton, a key sponsor of the bill said in a press statement.

“We must ensure that it will provide enhanced consumer protection for players while limiting to the greatest extent possible the harmful effects on young people and those who may be susceptible to addiction,” he said.

Stanton has received cabinet approval to publish a draft of the new gambling act, but it could be an estimated 18 months before the act is fully approved and becomes law.

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