Erica M. Pinto, Chairwoman of The Jamul Indian Village of California (JIV), has been appointed by Secretary Deb Haaland to serve on the Department of Interior’s (DOI) newly-formed Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC). Ms. Pinto is serving as the Pacific Region’s primary member of the STAC, representing more than 100 Tribes. Her one-year term began June 15, 2022.
Widely recognized as a pre-eminent Tribal leader, Pinto has been honored with numerous awards for her leadership and influence—including the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California’s highest honor, the Warrior Award—and she is a nationally sought-after speaker and leader regarding tribal and gaming matters.
The STAC, announced last November at the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit, was created to ensure that Tribal leaders have direct communication with Federal officials. Members of the STAC will exchange views, share information, and provide advice and recommendations regarding DOI programs, policies, and funding that affect Tribal nations. The committee will also work to improve government-to-government relations between the DOI and Tribes.
The committee is composed of a primary Tribal representative from each of the 12 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Regions, as well as one alternate from each region. As the primary member of the BIA’s Pacific Region, Pinto will represent more than 100 federally-recognized tribes throughout California.
Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, states, “Tribal members who are joining the first-ever Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee will be integral to ensuring Tribal leaders can engage at the highest levels of the Department on issues that matter most to their people. I look forward to continued engagement and ensuring that the Department honors and strengthens our nation-to-nation relationships with Tribes.”
Chairwoman Pinto states, “I’m very honored to be chosen to serve as a guiding voice on the STAC. Representing my people on this scale and helping to shape policies that affect all Tribes across the US will truly be one of the highlights of my life. I thank Secretary Haaland for appointing me to serve on the STAC.”
Chairwoman Pinto has been involved with the JIV Tribal Council since 1997. In 2015, she was the first woman elected Chairwoman of the JIV, and has led the Tribe to make significant economic progress on its path to self-reliance. Under Ms. Pinto’s leadership on the Tribal Council, the JIV oversaw the groundbreaking of a world-class gaming facility on its reservation in February 2014. In October 2016, Jamul Casino opened, creating nearly 1,000 permanent jobs. She continues working to expand the Tribe’s land base and increase economic opportunities for members of the JIV. She is also co-founder of the Acorns to Oaks Tribal program, which organizes activities designed to help prevent drug and alcohol abuse and teen pregnancy, and promote education.