Konami Gaming, Inc. announced a series of key promotions within its sales leadership teams. Josh Faish and Justin Torres have each transitioned to director of sales positions, responsible for shaping professional development, growth success strategies, and customer relations within the company’s game sales team. In addition, Caroline Byne, Jeff Fuller, and Rick Tribble have each advanced to roles as director of business development, to focus on growth opportunities for select strategic markets and customer segments.
“Konami is pleased to highlight these key internal promotions to further strengthen our close ties with casino customers and better serve diverse markets,” said Jay Bertsch, senior vice president and chief commercial officer at Konami Gaming, Inc.
“The combined experience within our games and systems sales teams is truly exceptional, and we look forward to continuing to grow Konami’s product reach through strengthened leadership from longtime industry professionals Josh Faish, Justin Torres, Caroline Byne, Jeff Fuller, and Rick Tribble.”