A joint U.S.-Chinese venture says it has 0 million to build a high-speed rail service connecting Los Angeles to Las Vegas via Palmdale and could start construction in a year.
The proposed XpressWest line would run 230 miles with stations in Las Vegas, Victorville and Palmdale (all at least 2 hours away from Los Angeles) and was announced by partners XpressWest and newly created China Railway International U.S.A. during a news conference in Beijing.
China Railway is a Nevada-registered company with six entities listed beneath it, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported.
China Railway is owned by CCRC, which is China’s largest builder of trains, while Las Vegas-based developer Marnell Companies owns XpressWest.
Although XpressWest and China Railway claim they can start construction next year, they gave no indication of when they would complete it and service could begin.