According to a poll by the Macau Gaming Enterprises Staff Association, connected with the Macao Federation of Trade Unions, 60 percent of casino employees said they have been forced to take unpaid leave during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, about 80 per cent of gaming workers worry that they could be dismissed or that unpaid leave could be extended.
The poll results were based on responses from 611 employee surveys. Results were compared to those of a previous study conducted at the same period last year. The study found a 20 percent increase in the number of employees concerned with the future of their jobs. Workers with more than 10 years in the industry were found to feel the most insecure. Still, fewer workers expressed a desire to change jobs compared to last year.
The local unemployment rate has increased steadily since January due to the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. For third quarter, the general unemployment rate reached 2.9 percent and the unemployment rate of local residents reached 4.1 per cent. According to the Statistics and Census Bureau data, the Gaming & Junket Activities and Real Estate & Business Activities sectors posted the largest reduction in employees.