Macau Upside-Down

Staffers of Macau’s Customs Service mistakenly flew the national flag in the upside-down position at the Coloane Pier. Officials—who initially claimed photos of the gaffe were doctored—have “deeply” apologized.

Macau Upside-Down

When it comes to the national flag, staff members at the Macau Custom Service don’t know which way is up. According to the Macau Post Daily, the flag was raised and flew upside down there for several hours earlier this month. When photos circulated on the internet, Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said they were “parodying” the July 3 incident but did not concede that it occurred.

Customs officers later conceded that the mistake happened due to “negligence” by the officers in charge. The Customs Service has “deeply” apologized for the incident and for not admitting it took place.

The statement said that the Customs Service has taken disciplinary measures against the officers in charge and will train them to ensure it doesn’t happen again. According to Macau law, “blatant insults to a national symbol” are punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment.

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