Strip clubs in Springfield, Mass. are feeling the heat from the recent opening of the MGM Springfield, and have noticed they are losing some of their late night customers, who leave for the night and then never come back.
To overset this problem, the three clubs are asking the city to let them admit customers past the normal 1 a.m. time when they are required to turn away new business. They reason that if they are allowed to welcome customers later that they will eventually wander back in after visiting the casino.
A city attorney opposes the idea, warning of the return of the “wild, wild west,” if this concession is made.
One of the club owners predicted several months ago that without some relief they would “spiral downward.” An attorney for clubs commented, . “So we are now trying to do something that—I think what we are asking for is a minor tweak at bars that are relatively problem-free.”
Bars in the city currently stay open until 2 a.m., but cannot admit new customers after 1 a.m.
The decision will actually be made by Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, who has authority over such licenses.