Mexican Operators to Host Conference

Mexican casino operators will host the first-ever National Convention of the Gaming Industry October 17-18 at the CitiBanamex Center in Mexico City.

Mexican casino operators are set to host the first National Convention of the Gaming Industry at Mexico City’s CitiBanamex Center October 17-18.

The event will bring together business people, authorities and thought leaders from the gaming sector.

The event is being organized by Asociacion de Permisionarios, Operadores y Proveedores de la Industria del Entretenimiento y Juego de Apuesta en Mexico (AIEJA), Asociacion de Permisionarios de Juegos y Sorteos de Mexico (APJSAC) and Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM).

The conference will explore several topics, including land-based and online gaming and security.

The director of Juegos y Sorteos de la Secretaría de Gobernación, Luis Felipe Cangas Hernández; and the head of Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT), Osvaldo Santín, are expected to attend the convention.