Mickelson Admits to Gambling Problem and Hurt it Caused

Professional golfer Phil Mickelson (l.) recently came out and said he had a gambling problem and hopes his story inspires others.

Mickelson Admits to Gambling Problem and Hurt it Caused

Professional golfer Phil Mickelson took to social media to talk about the detrimental effects of his gambling addiction on himself and those closest to him. Mickelson, a six-time major winner, acknowledged the significant harm and hurt caused by his addiction, which has spanned over three decades.

Mickelson’s addiction to gambling has taken a toll on his life in various ways. In his own words, he describes it as being “isolated in a shelter” while a hurricane rages outside. He admits that he was oblivious to the damage caused by his addiction until he emerged from his secluded state. The consequences of his actions became apparent, and he realized the magnitude of the hurt and harm inflicted upon his loved ones.

One of the most significant revelations made by Mickelson is the strain his addiction placed on his personal relationships. He confesses that he was so distracted by his gambling habit that he was unable to be fully present with his family and friends. This lack of presence deeply affected those he cared about, leaving them feeling as if he was physically present but emotionally absent.

Mickelson shares that he often heard the phrase, “You’re here but you’re not with us,” during his addiction. This poignant statement reflects the emotional toll his gambling addiction took on his loved ones. He acknowledged that he was unaware of the extent of the pain he caused and the ways in which his behavior affected those around him. This realization has been deeply troubling for Mickelson and has motivated him to make amends.

In his confession, Mickelson emphasizes the importance of not confusing enablers with true friends. When he finally confronted his problem, he found himself facing a monumental task of cleaning up the damage caused by his actions. Mickelson encourages others who may be struggling with addiction to be discerning in distinguishing between genuine support and harmful enabling.

Throughout his journey to recovery, Mickelson recognized and appreciated the unwavering support of his wife, Amy. He credited her love and commitment for helping him navigate his darkest moments and transform into the person he aspires to be. Mickelson’s words serve as a reminder that having a strong and supportive partner can make a significant difference in one’s recovery process.

Mickelson acknowledges the importance of seeking professional help in overcoming addiction. He shares that he has spent many years receiving professional assistance and actively staying away from gambling. Through this commitment, he has been able to attain a sense of inner calm and peace. While he acknowledges that there is still much work to be done to repair his relationships, he is determined to proceed at a pace that allows for genuine healing.

By sharing his story, Mickelson hopes to inspire others to take the necessary steps towards healing and reclaiming their lives from the grip of addiction.