Missouri Gaming Association Sets Project 21 Scholarship Deadline

March 1 is the entry deadline for the highly respected Missouri Gaming Association’s 21st annual Project 21 scholarship. The monetary scholarship awards honor six Missouri high school students who educate their peers on the dangers of underage gambling.

The entry deadline for the Missouri Gaming Association’s 21st annual Project 21 scholarship is March 1, 2017. The Missouri Gaming Association, the statewide professional association of the Missouri casino industry, invites Missouri high school seniors to compete for two ,500 first prize scholarships and four ,000 second prize scholarships. The scholarship application and guidelines is available for download at www.missouricasinos.org or bit.ly/MGA_Project21_2017.

The Project 21 scholarship program encourages students to educate their peers on the illegality, dangers and consequences of underage gambling. Students must write and publish an original essay or article in the school newspaper, or create a poster or video. Entries must be published or displayed at the student’s high school for at least one full week between December 1, 2016 and February 15, 2017.

Entries will be judged for originality, content, style and educational value. The article, poster or video must focus on the issues and ramifications of underage gambling.

“We want students to know it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to gamble in a Missouri casino,” said Mike Winter, executive director of the Missouri Gaming Association. “We also want them to understand the dangers and consequences of other types of underage gambling, such as card games and sports betting.”

The Project 21 Scholarship competition is open to all Missouri high school seniors planning to attend an institution of higher education in the United States within four years of graduation.

All Missouri high school seniors, including those whose parents are casino employees, are eligible for the Project 21 scholarships, provided their parent is not a Missouri Gaming Association officer or a Project 21 Executive Committee member. High school seniors employed part-time (less than 32 hours per week) by a Missouri casino also are eligible.

The Project 21 scholarship application is available at www.missouricasinos.org or by calling (573) 634-4001. Written requests for applications can be sent to PO Box 305, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Winners will be announced by March 31, 2017 and scholarships will be awarded by April 15, 2017.