Mr. Gorbachev: ‘Tear down that Plastic’

One of gaming’s most thoughtful designers, Paul Heretakis, encourages the removal of the plastic barriers that have gone up in responses to the pandemic in almost every casino resorts once the worst is over, and a return to “normalcy.”

Mr. Gorbachev: ‘Tear down that Plastic’

In one of the most famous speeches of the 20th century President Regan’s quote was about a wall (not made of plastic) in Berlin in 1987, 29 months later the wall had fallen. Life went back to normal—a “new normal” for East and West Berlin after 30 years of a divide.

In November of 2020 President Trump announced an approved Covid vaccine. How long it will take for Covid to be defeated is anyone’s guess and hope for a quick end. When will our lives get back to a “new normal”?

At the start of the pandemic, casino operators came up with quick and effective solutions from closing every other slot machine to installing plastic partitions at the tables. Some casinos have been more successful than others, but it’s all we got and I for one will take it.

The pandemic has accelerated the demise of many businesses (retail, movie theatres and malls) while elevating others with strong internet platforms to new heights. With the fast approaching “new normal” it’s up to us to make sure Casinos have a reinvention to take back our customers that escaped to the internet for entertainment, fun and gambling.

Casino design has always been about visual stimulation and voyeurism. The moment you walk through the door you need to be overtaken by the feeling of fun, energy, excitement and of course winning. Colors, lighting, reflectivity, sparkle, complex tactile layers of detail all move your eyes around at pace quick enough to blur reality into a mystical state of escapism.

It’s now up to us as designers and more specifically the casino owners and operators. The public has accepted the diminish experiences during these temporary trying times. But we are the casino industry we must come back with vengeance and bring back the fantasy, a place of hope, dreams—Escapism!

What Is Our New Normal Once The Plastic Comes Down?

I will give you a few here, laugh at me if you want but I will stare down death with optimism! Please come up with your own, we need all ideas—it’s time for us to one up each other again. Safety has been front and center, I doubt it will go away completely but our goal is to make it less visible, intrusive and defining.

The Famous Smile of the Casino Worker

I truly believe people want to see a friendly face and a welcoming greeting. It’s important we put employees out front in order to make people feel recognized and special. We are excited to be back to work for you, thank you for coming – let’s all have fun together! I myself can’t wait to stand in front of a person without plastic between us. I’m starving for the smile of a black jack dealer letting me know the shoe is set for a winning streak.

More Fun Slot Floors

Will the new normal be slightly looser slot floors? Can we remove some machines and not lose revenue while improving energy? Create mini stadiums or points of energy where wining becomes more pronounced and visible. The community feeling of celebration, I’ve been hermetically sealed for nine months celebrating my sad birthday alone. Regional casino visitation is high, players get to know each other, they like each other—let’s give them a platform to tell stories of winning, let them escape with their pack. Instead of getting lost in a sea of machines we can find an organized land where friendships come alive.

Improved Plastic Partitions

I have never been a big fan of the plastic partitions at the tables. I found it to be impersonable and an implied message that someone at that table has covid. I’m not sure what the new normal will bring but it still might bring a hybrid of table offerings, some with partitions and others without. Can we redesign the tables with partitions so they look more natural like there meant to be there not like an afterthought? How can the tables with partitions become part of the fun and energy—promote the party? Celebration of lights, sparkle, LED displays and video fireworks for a blackjack hand?

Turn Up The Lights!

I’m coming out of a bunker, I can’t see a thing, please turn up the lights. Change the visual scene, change how people see you. Because the ancillary spaces (restaurants, bars and lounges) that are normally open to the casino add lights, sound and energy to the gaming floor are closed the overall casino looks dim. Open them if that’s financially feasible or build a wall and close them off for now. We’re all not what we used to be, don’t be embarrassed. Show me the positive phycology of change – optimism! You are still here, be proud and show the world you are open, show the world you’re big bright smile.

The ‘New Normal’

Each great historical society is judged by their entertainment venues. The Greeks invented the amphitheater venue where people traveled miles for joy, tears and laughter. The Romans created the Coliseum for live shows pitting Man vs. Man to their deaths. I want my casino to define this historical time. We are starving for the future. The casino must fill the social gap of the future. While others are dying we can fill their void. This is your time, now go out there and take it!

I want my conventions, nightclubs, packed stadiums and arena rock concerts. They won’t be the same – they will be better. We can rebuild them bigger faster and stronger, the bionic casino of the future. Where these offerings are not separated by walls but instead become one. We must return the brick and mortar casino into the all-encompassing entertainment venue of the future. That is the challenge; that is the goal. I want to go out and party my mask-less face off. Bring back the new and improved Casino full of life and energy. People want to party and celebrate life. People need people; they are ready to mingle. How do we become the casino/nightclub/concert all wrapped up in one??

Celebrate The New Narrative

Tell me we won; show me it was all worth it! We sacrificed, we sheltered, we buried family but we survived. We must celebrate for those that no longer can. Each one of us wants our Times Square moment; The WWII kiss in the middle of the largest party the country has ever seen. It was a celebration of victory as well as the hope of a new prosperous future. I want to hold onto that moment forever. (Free idea here.) That’s would make a great selfie/tik tok marketing campaign.

How do we apply the Apple and Disney thinking to the casino industry? I recommend you take content back. Stop with the Mall model giving our valuable real-estate to others. We created celebrity chefs, enhanced other’s brand, it’s time to do that for ourselves. Why can’t we start our own boxing league, talent competition or cooking shows – we have enough venues for them to play in across the country. Create the intellectual property; stop buying it from others. We once dominated the reality TV segment; how to we dominate the social media platforms and isn’t it time we have our own TV network?

We are the future of entertainment and hope—even if just for a fleeting fragile moment; a place where all your dreams come true!

What happens in a casino can never happen anywhere else.

This is Las ‘Fucking’ Vegas!

Start dreaming big!

Who’s with me? Let’s gooooo!

Articles by Author: Paul Heretakis

Paul Heretakis is a principal with Westar Architects and one of the leading designers in the gaming industry.