Nebraska Lawmakers Consider Lottery Vending Machines

Nebraska legislators held a hearing on a bill allowing the sale of lottery tickets through vending machines. Retailers support the measure but opponents said it would lead to expanded gambling.

Nebraska Lawmakers Consider Lottery Vending Machines

The Nebraska Legislative General Affairs Committee recently heard testimony regarding LB 493, which would allow vending machine lottery ticket sales. Nebraska and South Carolina are the only states that don’t offer lottery tickets for sale via vending machines.

Retailers told the committee the machines would “free up labor at their stores, according to the Lincoln Star-Journal. Nebraska Retail Federation and Nebraska Grocery Industry Association spokesman Rich Otto said a player’s age could be verified by bar codes on driver’s licenses.

Pat Loontjer, executive director of Gambling with the Good Life, said the group opposes the measure because it would allow an expansion of gambling in the state. Loontjer said the group will continue to “oppose any form of expanded gambling.”

Bill sponsor Senator George Dungan said since 1993, about $908 million has been distributed from state lottery sales to help fund education, the Environmental Trust, the Nebraska State Fair and problem gambling services.