New Casino Boat Hits Texas Buoy

Less than two weeks after its grand opening, the Jacks or Better Casino yacht in Galveston Bay hit a buoy, causing minor damage. None of the 100-plus customers was injured. Officials noted other vessels have hit that particular buoy, which was obscured by lights, a blind spot and another buoy.

Less than two weeks after its April 7 launch, the Jacks or Better Casino yacht in Galveston Bay crashed into a buoy at the jetty near North Holiday Drive. More than 100 customers were aboard when the incident occurred at 11:30 p.m. on April 15 but no injuries were reported. Jacks or Better officials said minor cosmetic damage, a 5-foot starboard gash, would not require dry-docking for repair.

Officials posted on Facebook, “We are working hand-in-hand with the Coast Guard to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible. The safety of our customers and staff is our number one priority. The incident is under investigation, so to state that is was due to the captain on duty falling asleep at the wheel is speculation.” The company later added other vessels have hit that particular buoy, which was obscured by lights illuminating a disabled ship, a blind spot and another buoy. Officials also noted the co-captains have combined experience of more than 50 years.

Customers also defended the casino boat on Facebook. One wrote, “I wish people wouldn’t bash something new.” She added she “had a blast” and hoped the casino cruise would be back in operation fast. Another posted,

“Hopefully it will be back in action sooner than later. It’s a super fun boat.”

Las Vegas-style gambling is illegal in Texas, but Jacks or Better travels 9 miles out to federal waters where floating casinos are legal.

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