New Zealand has taken issue with several factors in the greyhound racing industry. An industry review found problems with recording data, transparency, and animal welfare.
“If Greyhound Racing New Zealand wants to secure its future it must demonstrate the decency of the industry, but it has made its job harder by unnecessarily obfuscating information and pushing back against those with an interest,” Racing Minister Grant Robertson said
Robertson said improvements need to be made in the industry or risk closure, according to the New Zealand Herald.
Robertson asked the Racing Integrity Board for comments. “I want to be clear today” the greyhound racing industry is on notice: either make the improvements needed or risk closure. I am asking to identify a specific set of indicators that will be used to assess the industry’s progress, reporting back to me before the end of 2022.”
According to a report, 103 greyhounds were euthanized in the first seven months of the year. The industry has not been able to justify the euthanasia or given reasons.
Animal welfare groups like Safe NZ and the Greyhound Protection League submitted a petition signed by 37,000 demanding a ban.
“This industry is killing hundreds of dogs every year. People are justifiably outraged,” said Safe spokesperson Will Appelbe last month. “It is unacceptable for dogs to risk injury and death for the sake of gambling.”