The Obama administration has resubmitted the nomination of Jonodev Chaudhuri to be chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission after the Senate failed to act on the nomination in 2014.
Chaudhuri is currently vice chairman of the NIGC, acting as chairman since his nomination in November. His nomination is for a three-year term.
Chaudhuri is a member of the Muscogee Nation of Oklahoma. Senator John Barrasso newly installed as chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, will hold hearings on the appointment. The timeline for those hearings has not been announced.
Chaudhuri earned a law degree from Cornell Law School. He was senior counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Indians Affairs from 2012-1013. He has been a judge and appellate judge on several Indian courts, including serving as Appellate Judge of the Muscogee Creek Nation Supreme Court.