Outrageous pronouncements, simple statements and words of wisdom.

“We saw some encouraging pockets of demand during the October holiday period, particularly in direct VIP business where turnover was actually slightly above the comparable 2019 holiday period … This once again highlights storing demand for Macau’s unique tourism offering during periods when the market is accessible.”
Craig Billings, CEO, Wynn Macau, on the potential for recovery in Macau when the city is fully and consistently open for business

“Recently there have been some Covid outbreaks in China and there are some cases in Macau as well, so it is early days. But it’s definitely encouraging going forward.”
Lawrence Ho, chairman and CEO, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, on the resumption of individual and group travel from Mainland China to Macau

“A few days before the start of the World Cup, the signing of these charters in a spirit of co-regulation is a strong signal from all the players concerned to promote responsible advertising.”
Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, president of the (ANJ) L’Autorité Nationale des Jeux, announcing that major advertisers and operators have agreed to modify advertising during the World Cup

“We have committed spend with the Fox network for a bit less than a year. And then we’ll see what happens as it gets to August next year, but we will honor all the commitments in our commercial agreements going forward.”
Flutter CEO Peter Jackson on whether the company will continue to invest in its brand or reach an agreement to sell to Fox

“It is a dumb, unfinished, incomplete app that we were all supposed to love just because we love gambling.”
Steve Cimino, a Washington D.C. resident who places online bets in Virginia instead of using GambetDC., speaking about its app.

“After the way Chairman Bill Dodd handled the moratorium bill, I don’t see tribes trusting the legislature to do sports betting.
Mark Macarro, Pechanga Chairman, referring to the lack of trust in the legislature among California tribal nations when it comes to being truthful

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