Outrageous pronouncements, simple statements and words of wisdom.

“Koreans are treated much better in Manila and in Vietnam than they are in Macau.”

Alidad Tash, gaming consultant and managing director, 2NT8 Ltd, on the lack of services for foreign customers in Macau.

 “How do they allow the casino to have smoking when everything else doesn’t?  That doesn’t make sense to me.”

— Virginia casino customer Orga Boone to CDC Gaming Reports, on efforts in New Jersey and several other states to ban smoking from casinos.

“Regulation does not solve everything. It helps in two ways: 1) it requires sites to indicate unusual volumes; 2) It makes the money stay in Brazil. As most of the houses are abroad, the money doesn’t stay in the country. The government loses billions in taxes.”

Paulo Vinícius de Mello Coelho, a sports journalist working in Brazil, writing on proposed sports betting regulations that could soon take force on the country.

“Washington state is misusing IGRA to create tribal monopolies on certain types of gaming, such as sports betting. Contrary to IGRA’s own words, the law is being used to insulate tribes in Washington state from competition that exists in many other states with legal gaming marketplaces.”

Ted Olson, attorney for Maverick Gaming, which is pursuing a federal lawsuit challenging the tribal exclusivity of sports betting in Washington state.

 “When PASPA was overturned, it really put it back into states’ hands, where you want it.”

Dan Hartman, Director of the Colorado Division of Gaming, saying why issues about sports betting deserve to be settled by the states.

 “This is a government that can’t pass a budget, can’t figure out a border, let alone can’t figure out what’s flying over its airspace, and they think they can regulate sports betting advertising? Give me a break.”

Brendan Bussmann, B Global managing director, scolding the idea of a federal ban on sportsbook ads.

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