Reid Again Backs Online Gambling Ban

Retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid (l.) has again come out in support of an online gambling ban and said he would also consider a ban on online poker. There are few things that Reid and Sheldon Adelson, the biggest promoter of a national iGaming ban, agree upon but this appears to be one.

Senator Harry Reid has again come out in support of a push to ban online gambling, and says he would even consider a federal ban on online poker.

Reid told the Las Vegas Sun that if he isn’t able to get an exemption for poker from a proposed ban of online gaming making its way through Congress, he would consider supporting a full online gaming ban.

“Unless we can get something done with poker, I’m going to look closely. I haven’t made up my mind, but I’m going to look closely into banning it totally,” Reid said. “I’m going to take a hard look at it. It would be something I would certainly consider strongly.”

Online poker is legal in Nevada. Poker and other online gambling is also legal in New Jersey and Delaware.

Reid is referring to a proposed ban on online gambling now currently working its way through the House of Representatives. The ban is supported by Las Vegas Sands owner Sheldon Adelson, who has been financing a campaign against online gambling.

Reid has said that if the bill passes in the House, he will try to get the bill passed in the Senate. Reid has worked to get legal online poker approved in the past, but has said he never could get traction on legislation.