A new white paper from Dimico Carrier Billing, released by Telemedia Publishing in its “Mythbuster” series, finds that iGaming operators could be missing out on up to 70 percent of potential new players without offering mobile direct carrier billing (DCB).
DCB is a mobile payment solution that enables players to fund online gaming play through their mobile phone bill, instead of using a credit or debit card. Dimico’s payment program, available worldwide on any mobile device, is backed by the European Union’s Payment Services Directive. It bills players for up to around €50 per day with a monthly limit of €300.
The Dimico white paper reports that 70 percent of first-time iGaming users convert with carrier billing, comparted to 12 percent with a credit card. It also shows that 45 percent of all online gamblers use mobile devices, generating some €50 billion in annual spending. It also reports that mobile carrier billing has resulted in a 15 percent increase in revenue.