Virginia state Senator Joe Morrissey has introduced a bill that would allow a voter referendum on a casino in Petersburg. The measure also would block a second referendum in Richmond on Urban One’s ONE Casino plan within five years. The casino proposal was rejected by 51 percent of voters; most of the opposing votes came from the city’s wealthier, predominantly white neighborhoods. However, Richmond City Councilwoman Reva Trammell recently introduced a resolution to give the Urban One casino another chance.
Meanwhile, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney said he’s undecided on Trammell’s proposed second vote, but he said he understands why voters would want the opportunity. “I’m not surprised that people want to take another shot at a casino resort in South Richmond. When we have 1,500 good-paying jobs on the line, that’s a lifeline for families. So no one should be surprised that some people want another shot.”
Stoney said, “I go to a barbershop every week. There are Black and brown people who grew up in Richmond, over 55 years old, who say, ‘I love Richmond, but sometimes I don’t think Richmond loves me back.’ That’s devastating to hear. After the vote, what I heard almost made me want to cry.”
Stoney added, many who rejected the casino “want Richmond to be what it was in the 1960s or 1980s. We have to move beyond that for a Richmond of the 21st century. I think this administration has made some serious progress in doing that, but there are still challenges.”
Supporters of the ONE Casino project supporters said the casino would have been an economic boon for the area, particularly for the large concentration of poor and Black families that live there. Opponents raised concerns about gambling addiction and questioned if it would deliver on its advertised benefits, such as 1,500 new permanent jobs, $500 million in tax revenue over the next decade and financial support for city schools and community organizations. Urban One officials also pledged to immediately give the city $25 million.