S. Africa Weights Tougher Rules on Gaming

The government has introduced legislation to tighten the licensing of gaming venues and limit their numbers under a new beefed-up regulatory agency. The measure also includes a ban on dog racing and would outlaw betting on the sport.

South Africa’s Minister of Trade and Industry has introduced a bill that imposes stricter rules and regulations governing gambling in the country.

The measure, an extension of existing legislation dating back to 2016, affects casinos, limited payout machine games and traditional and electronic, all of which would face more stringent regulations under a reconstituted National Gambling Board.

Licensing, the number of permitted venues, the location of ATM machines and gambling advertising all would face new limits.

Provisions also include a ban on dog racing and any betting associated with the sport and a new self-regulated agency established for horse racing.

The bill also includes plans for a National Lotteries Commission to assume the regulation of all wagers on the national lottery, foreign lottery, lottery results and sports pools.

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