SJM Resorts, one of Macau’s Big 6 gaming concessionaires, has unveiled plans to revitalize the Avenida Almeida Ribeiro, the main avenue in the heart of the city’s peninsula district, and also improve Piers 14 and 16 and the Kam Pek Community Centre. SJM will locate its familiar “floating casino,” the Macau Palace, at Pier 14, reports Asia Gaming Brief.
“We fully support the government’s efforts to revitalize the old districts and we hope to bring people from the Lisboa and Grand Lisboa areas to Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro,” said SJM Managing Director Daisy Ho.
Ho added that Pier 14 and Pier 16 will be the centerpieces of the renovation, with the former to be transformed into a riverside leisure complex that emphasizes the blend of “land and water.” The revitalized Macau Palace, now berthed near Fai Chi Kei, will be relocated there.
“Subject to the government’s approval, a plaza will be built in the vicinity of Pier 16 and Pier 14, which will become a leisure attraction,” Ho explained. “The development of Pier 14 will also create the conditions for marine tourism in the future.
“SJM has invited experts from the mainland to carry out conservation and restoration work on the boat. We are now actively studying the future use of Macau Palace to attract more tourists,” she continued. “We know that the Macau Palace is the collective memory of Macau residents, so we are bringing the ship back to them.”
The wide-ranging plan will add new tourism facilities at Pier 16 and Kam Pek Community Centre, and new lighting systems in the vicinity of Avenida Nouveau.
“We will develop the Praça de Ponte e Horta and the Hong Kung Miu Temple into a bazaar that combines food and culture,” Ho said. “The project will take more than two years to complete and the program will be launched in 2025 or 2026.”
She added that the Pier 16 project will be complete in partnership with Success Universe Group, which operates integrated resort Ponte 16.
In related news, Sands China will revitalize the Iec Long Firecracker Factory and Galaxy Entertainment Group will do the same for the Lai Chi Vun Shipyard.