SkyCity Wants to Trim Blackjack, Add Slots

SkyCity Entertainment Ltd. last week appealed to the New Zealand gaming regulator to allow it to swap out three table games for 60 slot machines at its Hamilton casino. SkyCity says the tables constitute 63 player spaces compared to 60 player spaces on 60 EGMs.

SkyCity Wants to Trim Blackjack, Add Slots

New Zealand gaming operator SkyCity Entertainment Ltd. has asked the country’s gaming regulator to let it exchange three table games for 60 slot machines at its casino in Hamilton.

It’s a pretty fair exchange, SkyCity says, as the tables have 63 player positions compared to 60 positions on 60 electronic gaming machines (EGMs).

This is the first time such an application has been made, according to Asia Gaming Brief. If the request is approved, the number of EGMs in the gambling area would increase from 339 to 399, and the number of gaming tables in the gambling area would decrease from 23 to 20.

When the application was made public, 251 residents objected, saying they are concerned about the harm additional EGMs would create.

SkyCity says in its submission that there is unmet demand at its casino for playing on EGMs, and it would like to be able to meet that demand.

It also noted that other EGM operators such as bars and clubs do not practice the same level of host responsibility that it does, and it points to a mystery shopper exercise conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs of host responsibility in pokie machines venues which found SkyCity’s casinos came out top and well ahead of other bars and clubs.

According to, SkyCity says the switch is meant to meet public demand, particularly at busy periods, such as Friday and Saturday nights and public holidays, but the move is considered “a test case” that will have to prove itself.

SkyCity lawyer Gillian Coumbe said the property is within its legal right to substitute EGMs for table games. ”The relevant consideration is whether you look at the minimum level of wagering, whether you look at the average level of wagering or indeed whether you look at the maximum level of wagering permitted for each of these types of games, you will find that the level of wagering on EGMs is far below that of table games.”

Hamilton Casino General Manager Michelle Bailey said the change is “going to help us at those peak times to enable people to have a great customer experience. They will be able to get on to the machines that they want to get on to, which means they will have a great night out. I do not think it is going to increase harm at all.”

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