Southern Nevada Tourism Committee Formed

A committee has been formed by Governor Brian Sandoval (l.) to oversee projects related to tourism in Southern Nevada. The committee consists of eleven members and will submit a file by July 2016 with recommendations.

Governor Brian Sandoval has signed an executive order to see forth the formation of an 11-member committee to prioritize tourism projects throughout Southern Nevada.

The committee members include Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, UNLV President Len Jessup, Clark County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak, executives in the gaming industry, in addition to five nonvoting community experts.

Sandoval said, “We are fortunate to have many of the brightest minds in gaming and hospitality, as well as experience and capable community leaders who are ready to meet the challenges of a changing market and identify and embrace the potential within the industry.”

An expert in economic and financial analysis is also expected to be appointed. A report will be filed by the committee by July 31, 2016 with recommendations.