Spain’s passage of the “Royal Decree on Advertising” which severely restricts advertising on gaming, and is considered the toughest in Europe, has drawn a response from Jdigital, the country’s online gaming association.
Jdigital predicts a rise in black market gambling as a result, one where the most vulnerable will be targeted. In the statement it says, “As has happened in other countries where similar measures were adopted, the foreseeable increase in the activity of unlicensed operators, which will have dire consequences in terms of the protection of vulnerable groups.”
The association says the new laws are unnecessary as its members have already pledged to abide by the “Code of Conduct on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities,” which it says the government has rejected by its action.
It concluded, “We consider that the Draft Royal Decree on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities approved today by the Council of Ministers is discriminatory, unfair and disproportionate, especially in a market in which online gambling is a legal activity.”