UK, Portugal Join Forces

The United Kingdom and Portugal have signed a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to jointly combat illegal gambling activities and share information on their gaming industries.

“Efficient, effective collaboration”

Last month, the UK Gambling Commission and Serviço de Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos of Instituto do Turismo de Portugal (SRIJ), the Portuguese gaming regulator, have agreed to work together to fight illegal gambling and “strengthen their respective legislative codes through information and knowledge sharing,” according to the UK Commission.

“We are pleased to announce this bilateral agreement with the SIRJ as part of our continuing cooperation,” said the UK Commission’s Director of Regulation Nick Tofiluk. “Working together with other international regulators is essential to effective gambling regulation and MoUs are a useful way of formalizing and streamlining the procedures for information sharing as an aid to efficient and effective collaboration.”

According to the SRIJ news release, the countries signed a memorandum of understanding to increase efforts to ensure online gambling is conducted fairly and in an open manner; to prevent crime; to protect people who are vulnerable to exploitation and/or addiction; and to curtail problem gambling.